Miniaturists Invited to Apply for IGMA Guild School Scholarship Program

August 1 Application Deadline Approaches for 2016 Guild School Scholarships

2015 Guild School Scholarship Recipient Ron Stetkewicz displaying work by Bonni Backe at 2015 Live Auction

The Guild School Scholarship Program is made possible by the International Guild of Miniature Artisans (IGMA). Established in 1985, this scholarship program awards funding to deserving miniaturists interested in attending the annual IGMA Guild School in Castine, Maine. This year’s application for the 2016 Guild School scholarship is due Sunday, August 1, 2015. Click here to download the scholarship application.

A full-tuition scholarship is currently valued at $1425 and pays for 36 hours of instruction, plus room and board for the entire IGMA Guild School week. Recipients must provide their own transportation and assume any other expenses incurred such as materials fees for classes (typically $10-$200) and evening seminars (typically 0-$50).

The International Guild of Miniature Artisans is committed to the perpetuation and improvement of miniatures. Scholarships are primarily intended to make the Guild School experience available to students who might otherwise not be able to attend due to financial constraints. Scholarship applicants are evaluated on how their attendance at the Guild School could potentially contribute to:

  1. the furtherance of miniatures as an art form and the raising of standards (including, but not limited to – adherence to scale and proportions, historical accuracy, etc.) in the creation of miniatures;
  2. the quality of the applicant’s work and the degree to which the curriculum offered by the school would expand or enhance the applicant’s skills and areas of interest;
  3. the dissemination of knowledge, enthusiasm, and skills to miniaturists within a local context, as well as around the world, by teaching, writing, exhibiting or other forms of sharing, both past and in the future;
  4. the degree to which the applicant needs financial assistance for school expenses and how important attending the Guild School would be to them (fiscal priorities).

The source of funding for the Scholarship Program comes from various fundraising efforts held during the school week. The major event is the Live Auction. Scholarship students assist with displaying various auction items during the Auction. In addition, at the Opening Night Banquet, scholarship winners have reserved seating with other scholarship recipients and Scholarship Committee members. The IGMA Guild School scholarship provides a wonderful opportunity for individuals who appreciate (and wish to learn more about creating) fine miniatures.

For questions about the Guild School Scholarship Program, contact Chairperson Erin Carter today.


Daily Mini Interview: Miniatures by Bel’s Mini World

Miniatures by Bel’s Mini World

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How did you first get started in miniatures?

From Land and Sea creationWhen I was a child, I never got the chance to own one of those fabulous dollhouses you could see at the shopping centers during Christmas. So that is where it comes from… this feeling was somehow left in my inside. Thanks to my husband’s support of my day to day work, I pursued miniatures and now I love what I do so much. Sending my minis worldwide is very fulfilling as is seeing comments from people asking if my minis are real food or minis. There’s no doubt I may be doing something others can enjoy. Making people happy in turn makes my work so rewarding.

How has your work evolved?

Well, I must admit I have seen hundreds of miniatures by other artists, seen many websites and read some books about how to make minis, but due to my perfectionist nature I did always find something to improve on, with every work. I started making minis about 6 months ago. Since I started, my husband says that I have hugely improved, not only in sculpting the minis but in giving them the correct color and correct matte/gloss shine combination. Vegetables crateI’ve also become more skilled at making imperfections in each mini, as this is what gives them each the real touch. Since I first started, I have replaced my tools several times and evolved my painting process as well. It’s all about evolution and experience. When I’m not happy with a mini. I just try again and again until I’m happy with it. Patience and care is the essence of my minis.

What materials do you use to make your miniatures?

The primary material I use is polymer clay. I also love to work with wood (I have some woodwork projects in mind for the future), cool porcelain, fabrics, and sometimes I add some metal wires either for tools or to build a structure for more sturdy minis or whenever the structure requires something stronger than just polymer clay.

BakeryAdvice for new miniaturists?

I’m still an apprentice but the only advice I can give them is try and keep trying. You don’t need to start from the very basics . If you have enough motivation and you love minis, take the time you need to practice and try to learn as much as you can from artists that has been doing minis for years. Nowadays, you can find information and tutorials everywhere on the Internet. Find a challenge and try to improve it.

What inspires you?

Everything inspires me. Every little detail that I find in my day to day. When you cook, when you go to the garden, when you go to the supermarket, every step you take can be part of a wonderful scene. I just open my eyes and try to capture every single, little detail of nature and the real world that we don’t normally notice. It’s challenging to be able to reproduce that in miniature form.

What’s to come from your brand?P1030935

Well, I have so many projects in mind that if I start writing down a list, I may spend a few days with it! Some of the works I want to make include a new bakery, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, traditional dishes, pieces of wooden furniture, and more. What I do enjoy the most is recreating any food or food scenes that my customers have in their minds for their dollhouses – especially work that they have never found anywhere. For example, I have made some food creations from just a photo for some customers. I like to help them find the perfect food creations for their dollhouses so I have new projects almost every day. Moreover, I’m working on an exciting new feature in my shop (New Category: Design Your Own). Now you can design your own creation by choosing how it will be displayed. This functionality is enabled for the miniature oysters, but soon I will add more products for you all to play with.Salmon boards

Other hobbies you enjoy?

As a DIY person, I like to be involved in any project from the garden to house decorating. Less often, I spend time dressmaking and I may apply some of these skills to minis and dollhouses one day. In general, I’m a very active person that enjoys doing just about anything. I must admit that minis are my most enjoyable hobby/work.

Anything else you would like to add? 

For anyone who follows my works, thank you so much!Fresh Apples

I used to ask my friends what mini have they not found anywhere, and would then make the work. This is the kind of challenge I would enjoy more of.

When someone receives my minis, and sends me a message about their delight, I feel that I have not only given them one of my creations, but also a piece of myself. My care and love for minis is the soul of Bel’s Mini World.

Bel’s Mini World is made possible by Bel from the United Kingdom. You can shop her miniatures online, visit her website or blog, or follow along on social media: InstagramFacebook, and Twitter!


Daily Mini Interview: Miniatures by Craftingbeshop

Miniatures by Craftingbeshop

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015How did you first get started in miniatures?

I watched the movie 13 Going on 30 when it first came out, and I absolutely fell in love with Jenna Rink’s dollhouse. After I watched that movie, I started making my own dollhouses out of cardboard boxes, foam board, and random household items. I even made my own furniture and decorations. Over time I’ve gradually improved my artistry.

1610978_1038999306110248_4686738076340400397_nWhat’s your favorite miniature?

My “Harry Potter” series is my favorite miniature(s) at this moment. But aside from myself, I was inspired to get heavily into the miniature making business by Tanja from Sugarcharmshop. I love all of her work.

Why miniatures? What appeals to you most about what you do?

I’m really not quite sure why I am specifically drawn to miniatures. I have just always loved them for as long as I can remember. Everything about them is so cute and adorable. I think deep down, somewhere in my subconscious, it’s because I can be a kid at heart when I make miniatures. I’ve always been surrounded by dollhouses and miniature items; I had 3 different dollhouses growing up so it’s also always been something I’ve just “known.”unnamed (3)

What’s to come from Craftingbeshop?

I’m currently making mini movie props for various classic movies that most people are familiar with. If you follow me on Instagram, you can see my daily progress. I’ll have Lord of the Rings mini props in the near future!

Craftingbeshop is currently based in the hills of eastern Kentucky, in Morehead. You can shop her miniatures on Etsy, or follow along on Instagram and Facebook for many (mini) more photos!


Daily Mini Interview: Miracle Chicken Miniatures

Miracle Chicken Miniatures

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How did you first get started in miniatures?

2Loving all things miniature is my oldest memory. As a child I loved to draw and create things. So as I grew up, I discovered I could make my own dollhouse miniatures. I began carving animals from wood for a sculpture art project at the end of 12th grade. I hated that orange clay on my hands so I rummaged through a drawer in the art room and found an X-ACTO knife and some wood. I carved animals for my project and never looked back! My mother also loved miniatures and bought me every piece of 1964 Petite Princess furniture.

Where does the name “Miracle Chicken” come from?1

Miracle Chicken is the name of a beautiful, sweet, little hen that I hatched. I was her mother, I brought her into the world. I named my business after her. You can read her short story here and see pictures of her.

How long does it take you to make a miniature? 

I make so many different kinds of miniatures… carving animals, carving fine furniture, even toothpick and match stick carving. One example would be it takes weeks to carve an animal in 1:12 scale and then painstakingly applying the fur.

1-1What materials do you use to make your miniatures? 

Mostly wood. The wood I use is Jelutong for the animals. Cherry and pear for the furniture.

What inspires you?

Seeing a picture of a particular animal or pose that I want to do.

What’s to come from Miracle Chicken?

I plan to keep making and furring animals. I do custom commissions: your pet from your photographs.tray

Advice for beginner artists and miniaturists?

1) Trust your gut.
2) Necessity is the mother of invention.
3) Junk is your friend!

Miracle Chicken Miniatures is made possible by Linda Master of Dexter City, Ohio. Check out many more of her wonderful miniatures on the Miracle Chicken website, Miracle Chicken blog, or head on over to Etsy, eBay and Facebook to see what’s new.


Daily Mini Interview: Miniatures by Petitpunt

Miniatures by Petitpunt

|   Blog   |

What does “petit punt” mean?

IMG_0443When I first started out on social media I joined a platform with the extension and as I wanted to share my tiny work I called myself after the French word for small‚ “petit.” I soon diverted to Blogger but since the username “petit” had already been taken, the name “petitpunt” remained for practical reasons.

How did you first get started in miniatures? 

As a child, I’d always had an interest in tiny things. At the age of ten, I’d painted my own stamp collection, and I even contemplated to become a watchmaker. But life took its course, and I studied graphic design. I did build real life furniture, did a lot of DIY but nothing small.

Around 2007, my mother-in-law at that time shared her childhood dream to own a very specifically crafted dollhouse. Because of her arthritis and the specific design of the house, I offered to build it for her. When that was finished, I continued to build furniture to her liking, to fill up the dollhouse.

Do you have a favorite type of miniature to make?

There’s no specific thing I lean toward. I’ll build whatever grabs me or seems challenging. For the past few years, it’s been mostly furniture. Still… one of the last things I’ve built was a pair of snowshoes and they were lots of fun to do too!IMG_0135

What inspires you?

When it comes to new projects, it can be anything! A trip to a museum, a window display, or a story someone tells me. But the biggest one was probably coming to the IGMA Guild School for the first time. The exhibit of fellow participants’ work just blew me away! To see what people were capable of just opened up everything for me, made me realize I had only just started and it inspired me to believe that anything was possible if I pushed myself. Nowadays, it’s my latest build that inspires me most. I see the things that went wrong, the things that turned out not as good as I wanted to, and that sets me to do better the next build.

How did you become involved with the International Guild of Miniature Artisans (IGMA)?

Sharing the build of my mother-in-law’s dollhouse on the Internet made me discover the miniature scene here in Holland. Next thing I knew, I was going to a miniature show here in Apeldoorn, and that’s where I met Josje Veenebos. She told me about IGMA and their amazing Guild School. She’d just received a scholarship herself and although I was very insecure if I’d fit the bill, she really pushed me to apply for a scholarship too and, for that, I’ll always be grateful to her. If you’re eager to learn and grow, nothing beats a week long experience of being submerged in knowledge and surrounded by people sharing their miniature skills.

wVY20R2xYQn8v6vqtzch_hRk38EE_THcLhZPW5vsGXgAdvice for beginner miniaturists?

First and foremost: enjoy what you do! Second: stop comparing yourself. In all honesty, everyone started out the same! Remember that even the people you and I look up to today started out as beginners. They simply have had 30 or odd more years of practice. So, don’t be intimidated by where others are right now. Look at it as a journey you’re on, and realize that it’s your journey! Build whatever you like, make it the way you want it to be, and if it doesn’t happen the first time that’s perfectly fine too! For certain you practiced a technique, discovered what worked and what didn’t, and maybe you even learned a few new skills along the way. But never let your faults or flaws discourage you… just keep at it, build whatever you love to make, and simply take on board what you learned the last time. Embrace your mistakes because they can show you where you have room to improve. And then there’s no doubt you and the people around you will love the unique pieces you’ll come up with.

What is the most memorable miniature you have ever seen?

The one that straight comes to mind is a 1 :144 scene made by Nell Corkin. It was in 2010, my first time at Guild School, and I was in constant awe of all the awesome miniatures I had seen so far. During sale night, Nell had various scenes on display and that’s where I saw her Gourd House. I recognized it from her blog and although her pictures were great, seeing it for real hit a cord deep within. It was so much better, a thousand times better to see it for real, it had so much detail to take in… the shrubs and plants surrounding this mystical house. The acorn dormer rooms… this delightful interior… It was the epitome of a miniature and the embodiment of creating your own fantasy.

Why miniatures?fJO_4DSCo7bP5rAU9TKZGBrlIK-da6FX-TO1DKFGk8w

Looking back I’ve always had a fascination for all things small. Miniatures in nature or even in engineering… My guess is what makes you tick never leaves you and when the time was right in my life, it came back to the surface again.

What appeals to you most about what you do?

The research, there’s no doubt about that. I love how my knowledge increases with each new project, as I venture into the unknown and investigate the life size object that I want to reproduce. For instance, the snowshoes I’ve recently made… I dived into the Internet to learn how they are built and, along the way, I discovered the history of these shoes. How they played a major role in the lives of Native Americans. How the surrounding nature led to specifically suited sizes and shapes; how various groups developed their own distinct decorative patterns into the weavings; and many more little details. As a European, this tiny part of American history was completely unknown to me and by taking on this shoe project, I gained even more appreciation for all the variations in culture we can find in our beautiful world.

IMG_0453New minis in the works?

I have a few commissions to finish before I can turn to my own list of things I’d like to build. One of them is Jane Austen’s writing table. It’s a very simple piece but I can’t wait to make it. But first, a logo stamp and a revolving book case with five shelves for my clients.

What’s to come from Petitpunt?

My plan is to keep on building pieces that are challenging to me. Whether a new technique, material,or construction… so I can learn and grow, develop my skills, meet new people along the way and share my journey through miniature land on my blog.

Debora Beijerbacht of The Netherlands heads up the Petitpunt brand. To see many mini more of her miniatures, head on over to the Petitpunt blog!

Daily Mini Interview: La Belle Cuisine Miniaturas

Miniatures by La Belle Cuisine Miniaturas

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How did you first get started in miniatures? 

La Maison du Chocolat 012Miniaturism isn’t my professional work, although I regret that. I’m a wife, mother of two lovely girls, nurse at a hospital, miniaturist, and also a painter (oil on canvas). I also do cross-stich, crochet and fabric dolls.

My interest for miniatures started in 1998 with the construction of a dollhouse (by kit). Since then, I have collected and changed other kit collections, and worked on a miniature kitchen and room boxes. Soon I decided to stop collecting and to become a miniaturist, creating my own pieces. That’s when the passion really started.quintal da miquinhas para revista 001

How has your work evolved over time?

After building 3 dollhouses from kits, I thought it was time to create my own pieces, almost entirely done by myself. I started then with “Zeferino’s vegetable market” with grocery packages, fruit and vegetable crates and that’s where the taste for the grocery packages was born. Scanned from the real size boxes, IMG_5492.JPGI have since then built 63 grocery boxes and a total of 145 Portuguese grocery products, including the typical salted codfish, smoked ham, crates of fruit and vegetables, and more.

Next, a chocolaterie (pâtisserie), called in french “Maison du chocolat,” was born. Inside it there are various cakes, bonbons, and chocolate boxes which turned into a real passion and are a tribute to chocolate. I looooove chocolate!

IMG_8450.JPGA haberdashery called “Casinha do botão” (Button’s home) and “Quintal da miquinhas” (miquinhas’s backyard) followed. They were both created and built entirely from scratch.

Sometimes, I feel a little lost with so many ideas and the strong wish of turning them real. At present, my creations are mainly directed to kitchen articles such as boxes of food, fruit and vegetables, groceries, and also some pieces of furniture in miniature, such as beds with their bed covers and bathroom towels.

merceariaZeferino 004What materials do you use to make miniatures?

I really enjoy working with polymer clay, but also with other materials, like fabrics, wood, cardboard, and more. Many times I use common daily materials in my miniatures. I usually say that other people’s “garbage” is our good fortune.

Favorite mini you have made yourself?

I love my market stall “Horta do zeferino” (Zeferino’s vegetable market) and the chocolaterie (pâtisserie) I mentioned above.

casinha do Botão para Revista 003

What inspires you?

Sometimes, just a common little thing is enough to suggest an idea for a new creation, such as a roombox. In the case of “Miquinhas’s backyard” it was that character doll, Miquinhas, that I bought from the talented doll maker Alicia Volta, a friend from Argentina, but living in Portugal, that inspired me to create a garden corner where Miquinhas is planting some pots. Chocolate inspired “La maison du chocolat” and thread reels led to the creation of the haberdashery “button’s home.” hobbies you enjoy?

I have two more passions, as I mentioned before: oil painting and fabric dolls that can be seen at Shabby Paris Dolls blog, Shabby Paris Dolls Etsy, Shabby Paris Dolls Facebook.

La Belle Cuisine Miniaturas was created by Paula Marina Vasconcelos Barbosa of Portugal. You can shop her miniatures on Etsy, or head to Facebook for more photos. Don’t forget to check out three of the La Belle Cuisine Miniaturas blogs here: Blog IBlog IIBlog III.


Daily Mini Interview: Miniatures by Phillip Nuveen

Miniatures by Phillip Nuveen

|   Website   |   Instagram   |   Etsy   |

How did you transition from art and design into miniatures?

TDM1-01I’m a really creative individual, so my entire life is art and design. I work and create in so many mediums which I think is extremely helpful to my miniature work. So the transition is fluid and always happening.

Where does your interest in miniature stem from?

I absolutely love architecture. I love all art and design but buildings and interiors hold a special place in my heart. Everything is connected, of course, when it comes to aesthetic mediums. When I was a teenager I wanted to be an architect, but I was bad at certain types of math. My brain just doesn’t understand numbers. I excelled in geometry, but that’s about it. Which makes sense to me now because my mind works in a very visual way. I think in shapes and images. I’ll get an idea for a miniature, picture it my mind, build it in my mind and then execute in real life. I very rarely have to sketch out a concept. So not having the proper training to be an architect, I decided to start making the models to show the world that I can imagine beautiful buildings and interiors! Even though they are a scale version.

How has your work in miniature evolved?

Two years ago, I first embarked on an at-home project to make myself a miniature apartment. I gathered raw materials and just started from scratch. With each new miniature, it pushes my skills and perfectionist qualities further. I’m always hunting and keeping my eyes open for new materials.TDM3-01

The first few models I made were of a Mies van der Rohe inspired aesthetic. My mantra is “Less is more,” and I’m really into minimalism and modernity. So, the past few structures I’ve made have become more organic in shape, mainly drawing inspiration from my favorite architects Norman Foster and Zaha Hadid.

What materials do you use to make your miniatures?

It’s really all about the materials. An artist is only as good as his materials, right? Well, at the few art supplies stores left in NYC, I’m a regular! My basic building supplies are foamcore, balsa wood, crescent board, and acrylic sheets of plastic. There are a few different adhesives I’ve narrowed down that work best for me. I also use acrylic paint and decorative wooden surfaces, which I generally just print out from the Internet. I have my BFA in visual communications from Columbia College Chicago, where I studied design. Having developed design software capabilities allows me to design all kinds of things: book jackets, magazines, computers screens, framed art work images, decals, unique surfaces, miniature packaging, shopping bags, and more. Which all really bring a miniature space to life.


What is the most memorable miniature you have ever seen?

I’m honestly so obsessed with miniatures and models that I’ve seen too much to narrow it down! I feel that the art form is having a real resurgence and will be in the spotlight for a while, or at least I’m hoping it will!

Advice for beginner artists?

Take your time while creating and working. The more perfect you get it, the better it looks and photographs!

TDM2-01Why miniatures? 

I just am in love with architecture and I started miniature work because it’s a way for me to show my ideas and concepts, rather than just using drawings or CAD renderings. Plus, I think the skills are the most impressive part. It’s one thing to have an idea for a structure, but then to actually craft it from raw materials and to be able to hold it and show it is my favorite part.

What’s to come from Phillip Nuveen?

As always, I’m trying to land larger freelance projects highlighting my miniature work or the other mediums I work in. I just did a fantastic series of miniatures for a large well known furniture brand to be used in an advertising campaign. The miniatures came out amazingly, they really pushed me outside my comfort zone and I’m very proud of them. However, the campaign is put on hold so I can’t show photos of the miniatures – so disappointing! I’m always thinking up new designs and updating my website and Instagram with fresh work!

What do you want miniature fans to know about you?

I would just like to thank everyone that is a part of the miniature art world. I really enjoy playing with scale and working in miniature. We all have to stick together and share our ideas and work to keep the medium alive!

Phillip Nuveen currently lives in Brooklyn, NYC. His impeccably designed and executed miniatures can be viewed on his website or on Instagram. Shop Phillip Nuveen miniatures now on Etsy!


The Miniature Exhibition Opens at Grunwald Gallery of Art

Miniaturists Unveil Top Works in The Miniature
Exhibition on View at Grunwald Gallery of Art, Indiana University
Friday, August 28 – Friday, October 3

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Thomas Doyle, Proxy (Haven Ln.), 2013, mixed media

The Grunwald Gallery of Art at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana will kick off its fall exhibition series with The Miniature, an exhibition of miniature-themed work by ten renowned miniaturists and artisans. On view Friday, August 28 through Friday, October 3, this show will feature miniature work in a variety of media, exact miniature replicas of historical instruments or furniture, models, miniature worlds, and much more. Participating artists are Matthew AlbaneseNell CorkinAlthea CromeBlane de St. CroixThomas DoyleJoe Fig, Mark Murphy, William RobertsonLee-Ann Chellis Wessel, and Michael Yurkovic. Gallery hours are Tuesday – Saturday from 12-4 PM.

Althea Crome, Ancient Egyptian Cardigan, 2005, silk thread

A great number of artists working in miniature today display a compulsive motivation and an obsessive attention to detail. These talented artisans must create and customize tools to suit their needs; indeed the process of designing and constructing these tools is often as inventive as the finished miniatures themselves.

In conjunction with The Miniature exhibition, the following events are free and open to the public:

Lecture by Joe Fig
Friday, August 28 at 5 PM in Fine Arts 102

Opening Reception
Friday, August 28 from 6-8 PM in Grunwald Gallery

Lecture by Thomas Doyle
Friday, September 4 at 5 PM in Fine Arts 102

Demonstration by William Robertson
Friday, September 11 at 12 PM in Grunwald Gallery

Demonstration by Althea Crome
Friday, September 11 at 12 PM in Grunwald Gallery

For more information and images, contact the Grunwald Gallery of Art at (812) 855-8490 or Follow along on Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, or visit the Grunwald Gallery website

Bill Robertson, Gold Microscope, 1998, 24k gold, wood, shagreen, Louis XV style microscope. Original in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Blane de St. Croix, Two Ends, 2011, mixed materials, each 8’ x 2.5’ x 5.5′
Joe Fig, Ross Bleckner, 2007, mixed media


Daily Mini Interview: The World’s Smallest Portfolio by Michael William Lester

Michael William Lester Creates The World’s Smallest Portfolio
A tiny book of visual ideas

Website + Portfolio  |  Instagram  |  Twitter  |  Behance  |  Tumblr  |

How did you devise such the brilliant concept of The World’s Smallest Portfolio?

13The idea came from a great little self-promo brief by London illustration and animation studio, jelly London. The studio team asked students and graduates coming to their D&AD New Blood festival talk to get people talking about their own work. I knew I wanted to not just get people talking about my work as a whole, but specifically about the concepts rather than the style. So I set myself a challenge: “How could I present more of my ideas and less of my visual style?” My answer was to make something so small that only a really strong idea could still be communicated.

How long did it take to make each miniature portfolio?

The actual making took around 3 hours once I got the hang of it, but getting the first one right took a couple of days. The designing and prepping took about a week. I made 5 portfolios, each by hand, and each hand-signed.4

What type of work is featured in The World’s Smallest Portfolio?

The work inside is a mixture of work I’d made previously and work that existed as a quick sketch or idea. A few of the ideas were created as part of my ongoing illustration work for IBM and Ogilvy, for example the Brazil flag eye was made during the world cup last week for their blog, and the Europe flag was a poster and animation I made earlier this year for them. The girl keyhole was literally just a sketch I had lying around. So it was a fun process to take these pieces of work, all at different stages and try and bring them together.

7What materials went into the creation of The World’s Smallest Portfolio?

Here’s the complete list of things I used after printing, in the correct order: cutting board, craft knife, ruler, Wenger swiss army knife (reamer to score), bookbinding awl, needle, thread, bookbinders tape, magnifying card, Sharpie, and an elastic band. Having a bit of prior book binding experience was useful, but like most things in the creative world, skill is only a small part of it.

An interesting fact: the rainbow-esque strip at the end of the book was created by accident, the thickness of the card meant each page stuck out a little bit more. I originally planned to crop this down but in the end it became a memorable part of the design, I guess it’s good to not completely know what you’re doing!


Career highlights thus far?

Having the opportunity to work in Paris for a year with Ogilvy straight from graduation was incredible and I wouldn’t be where I am without it. I’m still incredibly grateful to Chris Rowson (now creative director at Ogilvy NY) who saw my work, believed in me, and got me over there.

Advice for beginner designers?

The only thing you should be focused on is making good work. In this age of social media, it’s easy to look around and think you’re behind everyone else. To think you’re not doing enough and spend too much time trying to promote yourself or gain a following to catch up…. Relax! Focus on making great work and everything else will follow.

6Fellow designers that inspire you?

One of my favorites is Alan Fletcher. His book The Art of Looking Sideways is an incredible homage to imagination, and really got me into visual playfulness. There’s no order to the pages, it’s just a huge collection of stray (but very intelligent) thoughts. I actually found it lying abandoned on a street corner which is the perfect way to discover a book of randomness!

Plans to work with miniatures in the future?

The World’s Smallest Portfolio served an idea. It came from a problem and that was the best solution I could devise. If another brief requires some small thinking, then I’d definitely go in that direction again, but we will just have to see what crops up!

Other miniature work you enjoy?

As a kid I was obsessed with Kinder egg toys (okay, I still buy them from time to time). My studio desk is full of all kinds of little plastic figures.3

Other activities you enjoy?

I dabble in guitar and enjoy reading existential philosophy.

Upcoming projects planned?

I have a big exhibition coming soon which right now I can’t say too much about but it’s very exciting!

Flip through The World’s Smallest Portfolio by Michael William Lester, a freelance designer and illustrator currently based in London, UK. You can check out more of his work online, or follow along on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Behance.


Daily Mini Interview: Mackenzie McAlpin Miniatures

Mackenzie McAlpin Miniatures

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What are some of your earliest memories that involve miniatures? 

-untitled-+2 (5)My mother made miniatures, so I remember watching her make all kinds of things. One of the coolest things she did was buy cheap Santa Claus figures and then she’d make a new face and sometimes even change their clothes, and then fill Santa’s bag with miniatures themed around a family’s hobbies. I always thought that was such a great way to make money and get to do what she loved. Mini making was just something she did on the side.

What kind of miniatures did your mom make? 

Besides the Santa dudes, I remember her having a friend make a wooden Noah’s Ark and she made all the animals, two of everything she could think of. She made a lot of holiday-themed things, it was a way for her to earn extra money. -untitled-+2 (1)She was a single mother with 5 kids so, she really needed the extra. Heart necklaces for Valentine’s Day, mini Santas and snowmen or snowwomen for Christmas, pumpkins with willow tree branches as the stems, Fourth of July flags with glitter… you name it. I still have some of the little guys she made, I have a Santa, an alligator, a bird, and a few others. She was so fun to watch. She worked with polymer clay and acrylic paints. That’s what I use too, I didn’t stray far from what I knew.

How did your mom’s work in miniatures inspire you to create your own?

-untitled-+2 (2)Making miniatures was something that I just happened upon. I wanted to be a part of a group art show and decided I would make a miniature orange tabby cat. That was the first mini I made, as an adult. While I was making it I felt like my Mom was there helping me. It made me laugh… as if she was sooo happy that I picked her medium to work with. That felt really amazing. Doing something my Mother did. I feel a huge connection to her when I work. Also, I should mention that my Mother passed away 6 years ago… so it feels extra special to feel a connection with her through something she did, it makes the work even more important to me.

How long have you been creating works of art and photography?

-untitled-+3I have been making art for so long. I feel like we are all artists starting out. Some of us choose different paths, but creativity is so strong in us as children. I was lucky to have a mother that nurtured that part of me. She loved every little thing we made, even if it was leaves and sticks in a paper bag, she loved it.

I started to get more serious about art in high school, because my art teacher, Tryon, ruled. She let me get into photography, but we didn’t have a photo department. We had to work with what we had, so I did a lot of collages with my photos (developed at CVS) and magazine cut-outs (National Geographic mostly). I loved them. I ended up going to college for Fine Art Photography and I still loooove making collages.

As for miniatures, I’ve been creating them for 2 years now. It’s still really new for me.

-untitled-+2Describe the pieces from your most recent collection.

The mini boob pots that I make are a collaboration with my friend Isaac Nichols, he makes life-sized boob pots for actual plants. I always wanted some of his pots, but I couldn’t afford them, so I decided to make mini versions of them. Turns out, the minis were a big hit. I also make lots of food and handfuls of jewelry, little mugs, plants, beauty supplies, naked ladies dancing, animals, pretzels, and… and… and, well… I like to make lots of things. I’ve also just started a series of shadow boxes, so hopefully I’ll have a gallery show at some point.

Daily Mini recently visited Mackenzie’s Studio — see the photos here!

Why miniatures?

Without feedback from friends and family, I probably wouldn’t be making miniatures right now at all. They are who makes this a “thing” for me. I can talk myself out of everything pretty quickly, so having support from them keeps me going.


Do you create miniatures on a full-time basis?

I do not. I am a full-time odd job kinda gal. I babysit, I am a bookkeeper for a couple different companies, I work as a Production Assistant sometimes, I help teach little kids art… oh man, I have a long list of things that I’ve been doing for the past 10 years in Philadelphia. This is a rad place to make art and make a living. The community here is so supportive and I am lucky to have the friends that I have and be surrounded by people who understand my lifestyle. I am so very lucky.

IMG_7397Tools, techniques or materials you can’t live without?

Cheap acrylic matte finish paint, tweezers, music (I consider this to be a tool, without it, I get nothing done), sarcasm, my cat, and this weird little pencil that helps me shape each mini and at this point is coated with old clay and paint… it’s the best.

Advice for beginner artists?

Make what you want, how you want it, and keep at it. DO NOT try to be perfect. Let your personality shine through; that’s what people are drawn to in art, or at least that’s what I’m drawn to. Oh, and always work with good light.

What’s your most beloved miniature?

I don’t just have one. That’s the best part of miniatures! You can have a million beloved teeny things and they don’t take up that much space. BUT, I would say all the minis my Momma made, they are very dear to my heart.IMG_0239 It’s cool to look at the way she made them and compare it to how I would make the same thing. I also have these really weird little pieces my boyfriend made me. One is a little mouse-like thing made out of clay and feathers. I call her Face Veil. And the other is a peanut on a piece of wood… I absolutely love them. They are the first gifts he gave me, and they make me smile.

What’s the most difficult mini you’ve ever attempted to create?

Custom miniatures are rough for me. I feel a lot of pressure and anxiety because I want the animals to look right, I want the person to be happy with their mini. Somehow they always turn out well, and I end up loving them, but it’s a hard thing to get started. red+bikini+1I’m sure I overthink it. I have to take my own advice here and stop trying to make it perfect, because that’s impossible. Also, I’m sure my most difficult miniature is still to come.

What’s to come from Mackenzie McAlpin?

I’ll be working on updating my website off and on, as well as working on custom mini orders and OH! I’ll be selling minis at Art Star Pop Up Market at Spruce Street Harbor Park on July 25 (I will update my Instagram and my website accordingly). I also have a piece in the Fleisher Art Memorial Faculty Show right now.

What inspires you? -untitled-+2 (3)

I can’t think of any one thing in particular as a source of inspiration… but I am definitely influenced by Miranda July, my family, Amy Sedaris, Billy Dufala, Isaac Nichols, LIFES HAPPENINGS, Gabriel Orozco, dollar stores, childhood, animals, boobs, women’s bodies, flowers, the sky, my cat, the moon, the sun, nature in general, people who work their butts off, Nan Goldin, routines in life, food, relationships, mistakes, children’s encyclopedias, sustainability, Mexico, Africa, music, rocks, Outsider Art, Folk Art, love, laughter, and that list could go on and on and on…

IMG_2531What are some of the most memorable miniatures you’ve seen?

Dalton Ghetti’s carvings are so perfectly wonderful. Also, Anatoly Konenko’s smallest aquarium in the world is crazy. I went to the Philadelphia Miniaturia in New Jersey last year and those people are no joke. They blow my mind.

Other activities you enjoy?

One of my favorite hobbies is Windowkitty on Tumblr and @windowkitty on Instagram. I get soooooooo much joy out of this. I started doing it probably 8 years ago and still love it.

Anything else you’d like to add? 

Everyone should know that I like to laugh, love and have fun ’cause life is so short.

To see many mini more Mackenzie McAlpin Miniatures, visit Mackenzie’s website or check out #mackenzieminis and @kenzaloolee on Instagram! To see photos from a recent Daily Mini Studio Visit, click here!
