Daily Mini Interview: Miniatures by Iulia Chin Lee

Miniature Woodwork and Micro Woodturning by Iulia Chin Lee

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How did you get started in miniatures and micro woodturning?

fromLog029_LI met Johannes Michelsen at my first Northeastern Woodworkers Association annual showcase in 2001. He was the judge and demonstrator. In that show, I won first place in the miniature category. He also gave me the inspiration for miniature turning.

In 2010, I won ‘Best of Show’ along with one first place in ‘Case Furniture,’ one first place in ‘Table’, one second place in ‘Spindle Turning,’ and one first place in ‘Miniature.’ Those first three pieces competed and were judged against full-size work.

What materials do you use to make your miniatures?

I use lots and lots of different kinds of wood. It all depends on the piece I’m making. I’ve used acrylic, rosewood, ebony, brass for candlesticks and so much more. I prefer wood because every piece is different. The wood speaks to me and determines what the shape should be. Sometimes a nice pattern might be visible on the surface of the wood, but you might need to cut out that beautiful pattern to make your piece. I prefer to keep that pattern and figure out what shape will go with that particular pattern of wood.

Were you formally trained in the arts?pagePhoto_01d

I have a double masters degree in oil painting and ceramics. As for woodworking, to cut the wood is one process, but to finish it is a whole other process. It can take me up to 2 days or more to finish a miniature woodturning. I’m most known my furniture. I started making miniatures in 1992. I prefer to spend time making miniatures rather than naming them. And so, I don’t name my pieces. I finish them on the lathe. Once I’ve removed a piece from the lathe, you can’t put it back on again.

What types of miniatures do you make?

As for the scale I work in, the scale of a miniature truly depends on the person’s perspective. I’ve been working in artistic woodturning for 20 years now. You simply cannot make two identical pieces because you can never find two identical pieces of wood. I use dried wood that’s been treated.

Favorite memories in your miniature woodturning career thus far?

There was a young boy who was fascinated with my work at a show. One of the pieces of furniture had a spinning top inside the drawer. I took tweezers and placed it in his hand. Turns out, years later he became a woodworker himself.

NewWork_001_LWhen I worked with cupboards, I made real joints, all dovetail joints. I won first place for my miniatures in a full-size woodworking competition.

One of my earliest miniatures was a Chippendale chest of drawers and a Queen Anne stool for my son.

What’s been especially challenging thus far?

Sometimes it’s very hard for people to get over the miniature scale of my pieces and those of other artists working in miniature. For the Northeastern Woodworkers Association, I always entered the miniature category and always won first place. However my works were becoming lost in the exhibition space. People didn’t even go to see my works. So I entered to be judged along with the full scale wood pieces.

Woodworking is a very competitive industry. It’s important for me to see my work and not think it’s a toy. I think that’s been the biggest challenge. When I show my work at a miniature show, they think it’s a toy or dollhouse. But my work is not just that. I’ve made brass turned drawer handles and so much more.

As I mentioned, I love to challenge myself. In addition to entering my work in the category of Miniature, I enter my miniatures to be judged against full‐size work. Below are some prizes I have won:

  • 1st place in Spindle‐turning, 2007 (spiral candlesticks)
  • 1st in Case Furniture (blanket chest)
  • 1st in Table (colonial walnut table)
  • 1st in Marquetry, 2011 (room box)
  • 2nd place in Chair (ladle‐back chair)
  • 2nd in Vase‐Hollowing (lidded vase)
  • 2nd in Bowl‐Hollowing (nestled bowls)

NewWork_004_LWhat inspires you?

I have an interest in arts and cultural history. This interest comes together when I make furniture. I make only historically accurate pieces. I came across a Dutch Kas cupboard from 1730 at a local shop in Kingston, NY. It was a full size piece, so I made some drawings of the work, found the appropriate wood, then made a replica myself.

In 2012, there was a special exhibit in the Museum of the Connecticut Historical Society. The title was ‘A Craft of Tradition ‐ Current Work by The Society of American Furniture Makers.’ My miniature Dutch Kas was chosen among the 34 national, full‐size finalists.

What’s your favorite piece?

Whenever we as artists create a piece our mood (physical, mental, emotional) is always different. Sometimes everything simply comes together to break a record, as athletes in the Olympics might do. specialty-turning009_LEverything is combined together in that one moment to create greatness.

Wood is like a jewel. When the wood speaks to me, I have to decide how to cut the wood.

What do you want miniature enthusiasts to know about you?

I have a few favorite pieces that have taken me months or more than a year to create. Sometimes when I encounter a roadblock in my work, I have to breakthrough somehow. I know that if I created three beautifully jointed doors of a dresser one night, I should not go to sleep and work on the 4th door in the morning. It’s a true challenge, but when I’m on a roll and in a creative state of mind, I do not sleep. I know that by going to bed I would lose whatever magic I had that day. I have good days and bad days. When I have a good day, I don’t want to stop. And that’s why artists have very irregular hours.

To see more of Iulia Chin Lee’s miniature woodwork and micro woodturning, visit the Chin Lee Miniature website.



Daily Mini Interview: Atomic Miniature

Atomic Miniature by Michael Yurkovic
Classic Mid-Century Modern Furniture and Accessories in 1:12 Scale

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DSC09549 copyMy brand in this world is Atomic Miniature, dedicated to producing museum quality Mid­‐Century Modern furnishings and accessories in 1:12 scale for the discriminating collector and miniaturist. I recently launched a GoFundMe campaign to support my craft with new tools and machinery. You can learn more and donate here!

Campaign Update: The Daily Miniature will match your donation to Atomic Miniature’s GoFundMe campaign! Contact dailymini@thedailymini.com for more information.

My formal training as an Industrial Designer exposed me to the world of design in general, and especially to the great designers/inventors of the mid 20th century, including Charles and Ray Eames, George Nelson, and Eero Saarinen to name but a few. I grew up in a middle class, blue­‐collar family, and really didn’t have the exposure to these works of contemporary art in my everyday world. As I became more experienced as a designer, my appreciation for detail evolved, and I began to realize what made some of these deceptively simple designs so special. That is the major challenge for me in depicting designs from this era in scale: there are few elements to portray, but they must all be done with precision, and sometimes according to the eye and not the raw dimensions.

R8 copyOne of my careers to date has been as a professional toy inventor. I worked with my partner in all aspects of the discipline, from brainstorming initial concepts, to sketching, prototyping, and finished concept renderings. Then there was the presentation aspect, presenting to high­‐level management from Hasbro, Mattel, and more. We sold a few concepts, and even managed to have an item included in the Museum Of Contemporary Art store in NYC. I learned tons about prototyping, electronics, mechanisms, materials, and various processes while doing this. We built all our own demonstration prototypes, so I had to learn many new things, especially about lighting and electronics. Very cool and challenging stuff.

Enough about me for a minute, there are some miniaturists out there who really do it for me. Bill Robertson, whom I had the pleasure of studying with for 6 days in Castine, Maine this past June. So much in the way of pure skill, historical knowledge, and teaching abilities wrapped into one. Add to this a great sense of humor and un­‐rockable patience. It was an amazing time! Another idol of mine is Ichiyoh Haga from Japan. 3 copyHis work, like Bill’s, is so delicate and sensitive. Blows me away. His work in metals, wood, and any number of other materials cooks my mind. I especially like his Parisian shop fronts from the early 20th century. Lovely work!!

Ok, back to me, besides Mid­‐Century, I find myself drawn to any number of styles. A bit schizophrenic yes, but having done a 17th century sewing stand in Bill’s class recently, I had a whole new appreciation of that era. Same with the work of Mark Murphy. His cabinetry is so beautiful and delicate; I want to know more about that. Nell Corkin and her wonderful work in 1:144. I’ve dabbled in that a bit, but she makes me want to dive in headfirst. Then there is Elizabeth Gazmuri and her wonderful claw foot cabinets. Mind-blowing, and something I’d love to try. Beth Freeman­‐ Kane and her wonderful petite dioramas, so delicate and wonderful. I am so drawn to all that goodness.

Ash3 copyI’ll be showing again with Tom Bishop at his fall Chicago Show, come by and say hi. Tom puts on a great event, and I’m happy to be there. Later on in November, I’ll be in Philly, where I hope to play some serious ping pong again with the dailymini team.

Advice is such a curious thing, but if there’s one thing I can suggest, and it may sound cliché-ish, but do what you love. If it’s art deco great, if it’s tiny animals, do it. If it’s something completely different like surfing, do it. There is only one you, damn it!

Industrial Designer and artisan Michael Yurkovic has over 33 years of experience. To support the development of his museum quality miniatures, you can now donate to his GoFundMe campaign. For more information and images, visit the Atomic Miniature website and make sure to follow along on Instagram and Facebook.

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Daily Mini Interview: Miniatures by Hernán Buljevich

Miniatures by Hernán Buljevich

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How did you first get into miniatures?

Angel sierraI started working on miniatures at university as I became interested in scale models as a way of representation. It was then when I realized what my future would be. I began to work with constructive details, and created replicas of existing places that I liked. Over time, I acquired experience and thought that my greatest accomplishment was the way I could pass down the essence of a place and its charmwhether a house, a restaurant, a bar, a historic building, or any kind of space, front door or interior roominto a miniature.

What inspires you?

The inspiration for my work stems from a lifelong love of classic Spanish culture, cuisine and bars. I started with Restaurante Botín in Madrid. Founded in 1725, Botín is one of the world’s oldest restaurants.

Every detail of my replicas is carefully carried out, not only to bring photographic accuracy but to represent the attractiveness of each place.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I am inspired by everyday life. I like to always be open to learning new things and new techniques, and I often apply other methods or techniques from another profession into what I do.

What materials do you use for your miniatures?

In order to perform said replicas I seek each material resembles the original: wood, cardboard, recycled materials. All materials I use are legitimate to carry out each of the works. It’s a matter of creativity. That’s how the miniatures get the different places owners’ attention. The owners are eventually attracted to the replicas and would like to have one of their own place.

Bodega de la Ardosa (3)Describe your process for making miniatures.

Having photographs of anywhere allows me to make a miniature. I get photos to paper, converting them into blueprints. I calculate the scale observing the photos. I think of each line, relief and measure of each part of the site. And then, I select the materials and all parts prepared to be later assembled, resulting in the final work.

Alma de España by Hernán is on view now at D. Thomas Fine Miniatures in New York!

Through photos or videos that can be sent by mail or email, one can start preparing miniatures. Many different materials can be used, enriching in detail the work to be accomplished. You desire one, you have it! Everyone wants his or her place in the world to be represented in a miniature.

Advice you would give to beginner artists?

What matters is the essence of the place or object we want to do, not accuracy. The important thing is to give the work life.

Tool you can’t live without?

I use many improvised and homemade tools. I can not live without my tweezers and nail files. These are what I use most.

What appeals to you most about what you do?

The creativity to find the materials to make things from real life in miniature, is a very fun challenge. The best we can recycle and transform any object.

Other activities and hobbies you enjoy?

I began with this as my hobby, really I am an architect. What I enjoy the most is traveling.

Argentinian artist Hernán Buljevich recreates well-known bars and restaurants in miniature. To see more of his work, visit his website or follow along on two Facebook accounts: here and here.



Daily Mini Interview: Miniatures by MiniArtHouse

Miniatures by MiniArtHouse

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How did you get started working with miniatures? 

Once, turning over the pages of a magazine dedicated to design and decor, I saw a small dollhouse. IMG_4151It had every thing inside: furniture and tableware. It made me so excited. Later, I wanted to make the same house for myself. My husband helped me and we made our first dollhouse. It was a Dutch house from the 16th and 17th centuries.We were interested in recreating some of the details of the interior, typical of that time and country. Upstairs in the bedroom, we did a wood-beamed ceiling, and in the dining room we created hand-painted tiles. Then we created an Italian house. IMG_3184 (1)At that time in Russia, miniatures were not so popular, so we had to do a lot by ourselves. In the process, we gained invaluable experience. Soon after, we set up a small family shop dedicated to miniature. Our store is filled with various miniatures.

Our main focus is handmade miniature. My daughter, Ksenia is an artist who produces miniature paintings and paints furniture. We create posters. My husband, Georgiy is interested in porcelain and ceramics. My husband and I pay great attention to porcelain. IMG_2143He makes the form of vases, pitchers, plates, and more. Then we paint and glaze the works. We try to find historical patterns of majolica and transfer them to miniature porcelain. I paint porcelain. I also create food from miniature polymer clay, and I love to sew and embroider cushions, rugs, tapestries, and paintings.

For the holidays, we make themed dioramas and roomboxes. For Christmas and New Year, I decorate little Christmas trees, Christmas wreaths, and garlands. IMG_2322We also create compositions, including shelves with plates, tables with fruit and vegetables, and still life works with food and flowers.

How many years have you been making minis?

We’ve been in the miniature business for about 5 years. We are always in search of creativity and the mastering of new techniques.

IMG_4173What different types of materials do you use to make miniatures?

In our works, we use polymer clay, clay, porcelain, wood, MDF, fabric, paint, pastel, plaster, paper, cardboard, floss, and more.

Advice for beginner artists?

For starters, we recommend you pay great attention to detail.

Material or technique you can’t live without?MAH-PZ-2c

Embroidery, modeling, ceramics, and drawing.

Why miniatures? 

It’s a wonderful hobby. Miniature is the reflection of the world in which we live. Through miniature, we want to transfer all the forms, colors, and patterns that fill our lives.

MAH-PIL-41zWhat’s to come from MiniArtHouse?

In the near future we would like to try creating miniatures in the scale of 1:24.

Words you live by?

Beauty and creativity make our lives more interesting.

Miniarthouse is a family affair based in Moscow, Russia. Evgenia creates miniatures with help from her husband Georgiy and daughter Ksenia. To view more of their handmade minis, visit their website, shop on Etsy, or follow along on Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest

Daily Mini Interview: Miniatures by Mini Mago Inc.

Miniatures by Mini Mago Inc.

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How did you first get started in miniatures?

10846505_836911216372252_7584785910837137171_nI have always loved mini little things. Even though I had no idea what they were called or that the miniature world was so big, I loved them.  I used to collect minis whenever I traveled and good miniatures don’t come cheap, so tried my hand at making my own minis. It turns out I have the flair for it and I enjoy the creative challenge. That was roughly ten years ago. And so, I gave up my then profession of being a fashion designer and became a full-time miniaturist. I’ve been making minis professionally for about eight years. As for my skills and techniques, I have learnt much over the years and keep educating myself everyday through books and the Internet.

1012913_708100555919986_6564445444956183571_nWhat materials do you use to make your miniatures?

It all depends on what I am creating. I use mainly polymer clay for food items and most accessories. But it could be any number of materials depending on what I am creating. For example, if it’s drapes then it will be out of soft cotton fabric, or balsa wood for furniture, to name a few.

Advice for beginner artists?

Keep at it. Educate yourself. Ask question. Study objects you want to create. Have an open mind and a gigantic imagination.

11013260_925301094199930_8385644376690045818_nTool you can’t live without?

Tweezers, cutters, punchers, clay, and the Internet.

Favorite mini you have made yourself?

There are so many. Since I only make one of each, it’s hard to just pick one. They are like my children and mama loves them all!

What is the most memorable miniature you have ever seen?

Mr. Haga makes some really wonderful miniatures. 1471121_643195889077120_409852439_nAlso Henry Kupjack‘s miniatures always make my heart skip a beat. There are so many amazing artists out there who inspire me to be better at what I love everyday, and I’m very thankful for it!

Why miniatures? What appeals to you most about what you do?

It’s always been a fascination of mine. Ever since I was a child, I remember loving small spaces and little things. Miniatures take you to a whole new world, and when you get to create those worlds for yourself, it’s even more amazing. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Upcoming projects planned? 10930169_869011699828870_8932717193930819507_n

Loads of plans and projects in mind, but finding the time can be a challenge.

Other hobbies you enjoy?

Nature and travel photography is another passion of mine. Gardening and animal rescue are as well.

Trudee Mago of Mini Mago Inc. hails from Colombo, Sri Lanka. View more of her miniature creations on her website, Facebook, or Instagram.



Top Miniatures on View at 2015 Guild Show

The International Guild of Miniature Artisans Presents Guild Show 2015

Three-drawer chest by Smaller Than Life (Pete and Pam Boorum, IGMA Artisan members), small carry box with handle by Bubba’s Country Cupboards (Barbara Vajnar, IGMA Artisan member)
Three-drawer chest by Smaller Than Life (Pete and Pam Boorum, IGMA Artisan members), small carry box with handle by Bubba’s Country Cupboards (Barbara Vajnar, IGMA Artisan member)

The International Guild of Miniature Artisans (IGMA) was incorporated in the late 1970s with the aim of promoting miniatures as fine art. To that end, the Guild Show was established to provide a venue for talented IGMA Artisan and Fellow members to show and sell their work.

Open to the public, the Guild Show 2015 will take place this summer on Saturday, August 8 and Sunday, August 9 at the Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe in Teaneck, NJ. The show is open to all and is conveniently located just across the river from New York City, easily accessible by bus and car. Admittance details for this year’s Guild Show are as follows:

Saturday, August 8 from 9 – 10 AM: Show Preview for Guild members only
Saturday, August 8 from 10 AM – 4:30 PM
Sunday, August 9 from 10 AM- 3:30 PM

General admission, open to the public: $10 one day, $15 two day pass
Children under 14: free
IGMA Members admitted free

Last year, the Guild Show celebrated its 35th Anniversary and is still going strong, featuring some of the best work in miniatures today. Guild Show events include extensive exhibits, classes, tours, auctions, and other festivities noted below:

  • Dealers
  • Broadway Night
  • Thursday & Friday Classes
  • Tour to Historic Hudson Valley
  • Gathering: Desserts & Demonstrations
  • Annual Meeting
  • Small Beginnings
  • Exhibits
  • Gallery of the Guild
  • Live and Silent Auctions
  • Area Events: NYC & New Jersey

Pre-show events commence on Wednesday, August 5. Visit the IGMA website for more information and directions. For details on becoming an IGMA Member, please click here.

Violets by Peter Gabel, IGMA Artisan member
Violets by Peter Gabel, IGMA Artisan member
Three-tiered wicker stand by Uncle Ciggie’s (Vicky Sanfield, IGMA Artisan member)
Three-tiered wicker stand by Uncle Ciggie’s (Vicky Sanfield, IGMA Artisan member)
Urchin lamp by Studebaker Miniatures (Bill Studebaker, IGMA Artisan member), Queen Anne side chair by Mark Murphy, IGMA Fellow member
Urchin lamp by Studebaker Miniatures (Bill Studebaker, IGMA Artisan member), Queen Anne side chair by Mark Murphy, IGMA Fellow member

Daily Mini Interview: Miniatures by Ryan McAmis

Miniature Cathedral by Ryan McAmis

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downloadDescribe your background in the arts.

I studied Communications Design at Pratt Institute, with a focus on Illustration. I also took a lot of painting classes there. I often spend time working on design projects, paintings, drawings, miniatures, music, and more. As far as picking a favorite, it really depends on what I’m into at the moment. For example, I’ll be really focused on illustration, then I’ll burn out and I’ll switch over to piano for week or so. When I’m hitting a wall there, I’ll work on the miniature cathedral. I have to say though, that the cathedral is the most relaxing and enjoyable. Drawing and piano tend to stress me out more.

What’s your process when creating works of art?1471365_10201077227282037_1384527851_n

I wish I had a set process—I’d probably be more productive. As far as the miniature cathedral, I start with a lot of research, followed by some sketches until I get a rough idea. Then I’ll do some scale vector drawings on the computer and get the proportions and measurements right. Once my plans are all set, I’ll start building the final pieces.

Where did the idea for your cathedral project stem from?

When I was a child I was obsessed with architecture and especially old cathedrals. I would spend all of my free time drawing from books on art history and architecture. I eventually started building models of cathedrals out of sugar cubes. Sometime around the 7th grade, I discovered foamcore. I would spend several months on these models. This went on through high school, until I went away to college. Now 20 years later, I decided to pick it up again as an adult and apply what I know now as far as techniques, materials and new technology available.


What different types of materials have contributed to the construction of your cathedral project?

For example, let’s take one of the Gothic windows. In order to make this window, I use various materials to get the right textures. It can range from wood to clay and acrylic, even treated paper. Some pieces look best hand cut, some are better laser cut, whatever it takes to get the most perfect and realistic detail. 1502731_10201077219641846_1024527952_oThen I glue all these elements together and make a master Gothic window. The next step is to make a silicon mold of it, which I then use to cast multiple pieces in white plastic. Once the cast plastic windows are ready, I hand paint them. This is pretty much the same process for all the pieces for my cathedral, everything is eventually cast in white plastic and hand painted in the end.

Do you have plans to exhibit the work upon completion? 

I haven’t thought about it yet. The cathedral project is probably going to take about 5 years to complete. Unfortunately, I only get to work on it in my spare time. I work crazy long hours as an illustrator and graphic designer, so I can only squeeze in time early in the morning before work or late at night when I get home.floor+tomb

Does the cathedral piece have any secret chambers or hidden gems within it?

Recently my cat Leo passed away at the age of 22. I kept one of his fangs that fell out a couple months before he died as well as a bundle of his whiskers and lock of his hair, all of which I interred into one of the funerary wall monuments in the cathedral. So kitty has a little resting place in there. I do plan to add more secret things. I would love to figure out how to make a functioning gargoyle system so that if I pour a glass of water on the roof it runs off and drains out of the mouths of tiny gargoyles.rose+windows

What’s your favorite period of art history?

I’m really attracted to the austerity and simplicity of the early Renaissance, before it got it really extravagant. I love Fra Angelico, in fact the backgrounds of his paintings, the architectural elements and interiors that his subjects inhabit are big influences on the design of my cathedral. Giotto as well. His architectural backgrounds are really influential.

slides+TALL+frameOn the other hand, I’m also a huge fan of 20th century to present day art. Clyfford Still, Helen Frankenthaler, Louise Bourgeois as well as illustrators such as Saul Steinberg and Jan Lenica.

Advice for beginner artists?

Stay relaxed and don’t take yourself too seriously. Play around with the materials. The best breakthroughs usually come by accident.

Tool or material you can’t live without?

Smooth-On mold making and casting materials. 10339494_10202176916973592_2610120923667191120_o-1I also can’t live without my computer. I do all my designs on the computer first. Rounds and rounds of designs until I get it right, then I build the real thing.

Why miniatures? 

I’m able to build something I would never be able to build in real life.

To follow along on Ryan’s many mini adventures (and to see how the miniature cathedral turns out!), visit his website or check him out on Instagram.

Daily Mini Interview: Double N Minis

Double N Minis by Nadia and Nora

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How did you first get started in miniatures?

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by miniatures. There is a certain magic in seeing and touching real things that have been reduced to such tiny sizes!dailyminidoublen4

I am a graphic designer and I have also always been very crafty. I love working with my hands and with various media. Also, because I’m a graphic designer, I think that my attention to detail has helped me a lot with making miniatures. I like to refinish furniture, sew, paint, and more. Making miniatures is the perfect means to combine all my interests. Plus my creations don’t take that much space!

I always thought that “someday” I would build a dollhouse but never really got into it although it was always in the back of my mind. Three and a half years ago, our family life was terribly changed when my husband was diagnosed with brain cancer, and then again when he died two years ago. This, among many other things, changed my outlook in life, and I learned that the best time to do the things you want to do is “now” because we never know when our lives are going to be turned upside down.

At that time, my daughter and I had been working a little bit making mini food charms out of polymer clay and some other clay crafts like pens just for fun. After doing some research to make more charms, the world of realistic miniature food opened up to me. I couldn’t believe the things that people were doing! The Internet is an endless source of information and I started looking at all sorts of miniatures, collecting images on Pinterest, and more. It was at that time that I decided to start our first dollhouse in November 2014. dailyminidoublen3We started with a small kit because I wasn’t sure if I was going to be “into it,” so It was better to start small. (Ha! And now I’m hooked for life!)  We decided it was going to be a bakery with an apartment upstairs. My goal was to make as many things as I could instead of just buying items. If I bought something, I was going to transform it. Everything would have to have our own special touch.

Honestly, I had no idea that I was going to get so immersed in this world! My daughter and I made all the desserts and pastries, and then I started working on furniture, accessories, and other pieces. I love to challenge myself, experiment, and try new techniques. I didn’t know I was going to be able to make so many things! My daughter has a lot of talent in manipulating tiny things, and it’s been great to see how her abilities are changing and the things she can make at her age! I love that she loves miniatures and enjoy spending time working.

dailyminidoublen2What inspires you?

I am very inspired by the work of so many artists and many different styles. When I first discovered the work of Tomo Tanaka of NuNu’s House, it blew my mind. There are also a lot of other Japanese artists that I admire, including Rosy, N Original, and Studio Soo among others. Martiza Moran and Christine-Léa Frisoni make beautiful furniture and spaces. Hyper-realistic artists like Alan Wolfson, Ronan-Jim Sevellec, Charles Matton, Dan Ohlmann and Marc Giai-Miniet inspire me.

What materials do you use to make your miniatures?

Right now, as a beginner, I’m experimenting with everything! I want to really try out many media options, so I can eventually find my niche. So far, polymer clay, wood and paper are my favorite materials.

Advice for beginner artists and miniaturists?dailyminidoublen

Keep working and practicing! Don’t get disappointed if your work doesn’t look like the photos you see on the Internet—it takes time and patience to get there. Find your inspiration from the real world, and observe, observe, observe! I think what makes a miniature stand out is the details: all the perfect imperfections! Find your own style.

Favorite mini you own by another artist?

Well, since we just started and we’ve been trying to make as much as we can, we don’t own many pieces by other artists. A few months ago Angelina (elArtedeAngelina) contacted me because she wanted to trade minis, and I felt so honored. We got a beautiful book from her. At the Seattle Miniature Show, we met Julia Stewart. She makes the most beautiful clothes, and my daughter fell in love with a tutu (she’s a ballerina herself). She loved it so much, she volunteered her allowances for a whole year so she could buy that tutu!

What quote do you live by?

Don’t wait to do the things you want to do. Now is the time.

dailyminidoublen5What do you want miniature enthusiasts to know about you?

Making miniatures has been a blessing for me. After the huge loss I had, being able to just lose myself in my work has been tremendous.

Even though it took me such a long time to finally start working on this, I don’t know if I would’ve been able to learn as much (I am self-taught) if I had started earlier. The Internet is a source of unlimited information and I am so grateful for all the artists that are generous in sharing their knowledge, tutorials, photos, resources, and much more.

Nora Mazonson of Mexico City now lives in Mount Vernon, Washington. Nora and her daughter Nadia are the team behind Double N Minis. Bring home your own miniature by shopping along on Etsy. To see more of their work, head on over to Facebook and Instagram!

Daily Mini Interview: Miniatures by Mary Grady O’Brien

Miniatures by Mary Grady O’Brien

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How did you first get into miniatures?

I grew up with a dollhouse and a mother who loved little things. I started out collecting from an early age and soon amassed a nice collection. One of the best miniature sources at the time was Marshall Field’s in Chicago. 177Now, I grew up in Dallas, but my parents went to Chicago and bought dollhouse things for me and lead soldiers for my brother. From an early age we learned to appreciate these toys and not to play too hard with them. And so, I’ve always been fascinated with little things.

Years went by and when I had a family of my own, I worked on a train layout for my sons. The following year I thought, “why don’t I refurbish the dollhouse?” At that time, Chestnut Hill miniatures were available and at Marshall Field’s, they had Harry Smith’s Barnstable collection which was great quality. I was always attracted to handmade antiques. I began refurbishing my old dollhouse for my 2 daughters (I have 6 kids) and came across a miniatures shop in South Bend, Indiana. The items for sale were quite expensive so I started making a few things that could be sold at the shop – ranging from books, paintings and more. At that very same time, I was collecting American pewter.

In 1973, I began buying more and more stuff for the family dollhouse. I wanted to support my habit as it was becoming increasingly costly. On the way back from a show to look at American pewter, we were in my husband Dan’s Corvette which didn’t allow for big purchases. I said aloud to Dan, “If I ever did anything in miniature, I’d like to replicate American tinware in authentic pattern.”

How has your work evolved?29

The first piece I made after that trip was a document box made out of cardboard. I painted it so it appeared to be tin. I picked out a simple, authentic pattern and one thing led to another, which led to another. I was pretty hooked. It became my pastime, my hobby, my escape, my passion.

As time went on, I wondered if I could make some grocery money making miniatures. So, I put my nose to the grindstone and started to make a little production. I met other furniture makers, artisans who focused on tools and dyes. People were always so nice about helping me.

The woman at the local miniature shop told me about a show coming up in Sandusky, Ohio. It was a great way to get my feet wet. So that was my first show. There was a little circuit at the time, so people would always ask, “would you be interested in participating in the next show?”

For a long time, Dan and I traveled to shows within driving range from our Midwest home. Later on, I was invited by the National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts (NAME) to do house parties. So I went to Denver to attend that show. It was there that I met IGMA Guild School Director Barbara Davis for the first time. She was living in California and she made miniatures. Our interests align and we felt an instant connection with one another’s work. For many years, she would make miniatures and I would decorate them. Both Barbara and Mark O’Grady are both known for their beautifully painted, distressed antique furniture. They would create a piece and finish it off with paint, then I would add a decorated pattern after which they’d make the piece look worn and antique. Their finishes were smooth as satin. Barbara and I made work for more than 30 years together. After that first show, Barbara connected with Carol Hardy. That particular Denver NAME event opened up a lot of doors.

mother_daughter_Y97VgdpSkAsyXAs a home economics major, I had previously taken some art classes. I never considered myself clever or talented. I never thought of myself as an artist. However, when I started the tinware patterns, these styles really resonated with what I liked. I was painting in acrylic at the time. After meeting a woman who taught country painting, she encouraged me to try the medium of oil painting. I enrolled in her class in the 1970s and when I started painting these patterns, I felt they were familiar to me. As if I had done them before.

I’m convinced that in another life, I was one of those flower painters that did those patterns. It all came so naturally. It was never necessarily easy, but it came naturally.

What types of antiques and miniatures are you most interested in?

I absolutely love New England antiques and history. For a long time, I wanted to more east. I was studying the tinware patterns of Connecticut, Maine, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. There were so many different tinware facilities at the time. I learned about the women who decorated tinware and the men who made the objects through assembly line.194_4pROb8GqgaNtC

For about 15 years, I did nothing but tinware. Soon enough, I could tell right away whether a pattern’s origin was from Connecticut or Pennsylvania. I grew to have an eye for these things and eventually found patterns on other objects. One in particular was a wooden bride’s box in the American style. Those these boxes are probably European in origin, the only one I recognized was painted in the United States. So I painted those bride boxes (similar to the concept of dowager’s chests). I remember being very excited by the prospect of a new bride box pattern to try, and it soon became my favorite style.

How did you become involved with the International Guild of Miniature Artisans?

I was involved with the Guild at the very beginning. When I attended my first Guild Show, the other artisans encouraged me to become a member of the Guild.

The Guild always made artisans feel very accomplished by the work they were doing. It’s so nice to feel that this work in miniature is a serious art form. It’s not just cute stuff. It’s serious and we’re serious about it. My membership with the Guild led to so many avenues of opportunity. And tons of friendships came out of it. We share mutual interests and it’s fantastic to have the opportunity to collaborate with other artists and designers.

Technique you cannot live without?

My “Jenny Craig stroke.” Whenever I am painting, I take another brush, one that is clean and slightly damp. With that second brush, you can take a crooked line and thin it out. You can edit your work without disturbing the rest of your design. It’s easy with this technique to reduce, refine and erase. It will save you frustration!

213When I teach, I say “you’re going to make mistakes. Don’t get frustrated, learn from them. There’s often an opportunity to remedy it.” This logic helps any artist feel more in control of their work.

What do you want miniature enthusiasts to know about you?

I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing. It’s always felt good. And it continues to feel that way today. I love the challenge of doing something hard, and ending up really pleased with it. Every time I will do a series, I am always thinking, “how can I make this a little better?” I am always trying. And I’m very competitive within myself.

I don’t spend a lot of time looking at other’s artist’s work. I don’t want to feel as if I copied someone.

I just love what I do. And I won’t live long enough to do all my projects. There are just so many things I get excited about – I am never bored!

What advice would you give to a new artist?

Take advantage of where you are in your career. Take advantage of the area of study you’re in. There is a wealth to learn on the Internet, so explore what’s out there. And take a class. Pursue a study program. And join the Guild!

Mary Grady O’Brien is a 27th year instructor at the IGMA Guild School. She has lived in Dallas, Indiana, New Jersey, Illinois and Wisconsin. Her highly-detailed work in miniatures continues to mesmerize many a generation of miniature enthusiasts. To see many more minis by Mary, visit her website. Check out what her students had to say:

“I enjoy Mary’s class quite a bit. She’s very nice and patient.”
—Gisele Hanson, 12th year IGMA Guild School student

“I’ve taken classes with Mary before, but this is my first time with tinware. This class is great!”
—Peggy Meyers, 8th year IGMA Guild School student

“I’ve not worked much with oils before. I’ve enjoyed Mary’s class because it’s relaxing, and at the end of the day you need something that’s going to bring you down instead of staying stressed. Mary’s so easy going and a pleasure to be around. I’ve known her for a long time.”
—Ann Miller, 12th year IGMA Guild School student
