August 1 Application Deadline Approaches for 2016 Guild School Scholarships

The Guild School Scholarship Program is made possible by the International Guild of Miniature Artisans (IGMA). Established in 1985, this scholarship program awards funding to deserving miniaturists interested in attending the annual IGMA Guild School in Castine, Maine. This year’s application for the 2016 Guild School scholarship is due Sunday, August 1, 2015. Click here to download the scholarship application.
A full-tuition scholarship is currently valued at $1425 and pays for 36 hours of instruction, plus room and board for the entire IGMA Guild School week. Recipients must provide their own transportation and assume any other expenses incurred such as materials fees for classes (typically $10-$200) and evening seminars (typically 0-$50).
The International Guild of Miniature Artisans is committed to the perpetuation and improvement of miniatures. Scholarships are primarily intended to make the Guild School experience available to students who might otherwise not be able to attend due to financial constraints. Scholarship applicants are evaluated on how their attendance at the Guild School could potentially contribute to:
- the furtherance of miniatures as an art form and the raising of standards (including, but not limited to – adherence to scale and proportions, historical accuracy, etc.) in the creation of miniatures;
- the quality of the applicant’s work and the degree to which the curriculum offered by the school would expand or enhance the applicant’s skills and areas of interest;
- the dissemination of knowledge, enthusiasm, and skills to miniaturists within a local context, as well as around the world, by teaching, writing, exhibiting or other forms of sharing, both past and in the future;
- the degree to which the applicant needs financial assistance for school expenses and how important attending the Guild School would be to them (fiscal priorities).
The source of funding for the Scholarship Program comes from various fundraising efforts held during the school week. The major event is the Live Auction. Scholarship students assist with displaying various auction items during the Auction. In addition, at the Opening Night Banquet, scholarship winners have reserved seating with other scholarship recipients and Scholarship Committee members. The IGMA Guild School scholarship provides a wonderful opportunity for individuals who appreciate (and wish to learn more about creating) fine miniatures.
For questions about the Guild School Scholarship Program, contact Chairperson Erin Carter today.